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Q2 2019 UAE Property Market Report

Real estate market conditions remained challenging in Q2 2019, with prices continuing to decline, albeit at a slower pace in some communities. Supply remains the primary driver for price declines, and developers continue to offer attractive payment options with the aim of turning tenants into owner-occupiers.

The long-run view: demographic trends in the UAE

Real estate markets and demographics What drives real estate prices – sheer numbers or economic weight? Intuitively, all other things being equal, consistently higher rates of growth of resident population in a region or country will drive up real estate prices by comparison to its neighbours and competitors. The IMF once even advanced a rule that a 0.25% rise in […]

Currency Adjusted Real Estate Indices

Cavendish Maxwell has sought to improve investor understanding of returns in the UAE market for international investors by presenting them in local currencies. The resultant Currency Adjusted Real Estate indices enable instantaneous comparison of returns.

The vital importance of market data for real estate market stakeholders

Effective market research, the lynchpin of successful real estate development and investment, is impossible without reliable data; without it, developers and investors face significantly higher risks.

2019 Kuwait Property Market Report

Our first full report on Kuwait’s property market highlights that whilst the country’s economy is still largely driven by oil, other sectors, such as retail, showed robust performance.

Accurate data critical to UAE banks mitigating risks of loan impairments under IFRS9 guidelines

Under new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 9, all GCC banks compliant with the standards are required to break down investment portfolios into pre-defined stages. Accordingly, Stage 2 – referred to as underperforming, where credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition – warns stakeholders to account for expected credit losses, especially since the classification could lead to business troubles […]

Real estate markets and stock markets: two stories, or just one?

Why does it matter? Real estate indices generally exhibit a much smoother and less volatile evolution than listed real estate return performance. This is explained by three data measurement issues: the impact of property valuations rather than actual transactions, the aggregation bias of combining results over time, and the effect of financial leverage in listed entities which increases the volatility […]

Q1 2019 UAE Property Market Report

The firm’s first comprehensive quarterly report on the health of the UAE’s property market as a whole, covering the residential, commercial, industrial, hospitality and retail sectors.

Rise of the New Sectoralism

New sectoralism implies that the traditional real estate sectors, including residential and industrial, are no longer fit for purpose in the majority of international markets.

Brexit and Gulf Real Estate

Will Brexit have an impact on Gulf real estate markets? Or is it – as many in the UAE perhaps believe – a case of a faraway problem with which Gulf governments and local investors need have no concern?

Gulf Real Estate: Year in Prospect

Healthy macroeconomics: What ought to distinguish an economic from a purely market perspective on real estate is as close a focus as possible on why market variables are performing the way they are, as a guide to how much they are likely to change in the future. The starting point, as ever, is macroeconomics. Studies in OECD countries, which now date back […]

2018 Industrial and Logistics Report

This report offers a comprehensive and unique outlook on Dubai’s overall competitivity as a logistics hub, the infrastructure available, supply and demand, and market sector opportunities for growth and investment. The report was compiled by the firm’s in-house Investment and Commercial Agency team, drawing data from its in-depth industry knowledge, in collaboration with its extensive client and partner portfolio.

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