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Q3 2018 Abu Dhabi Market Report

Our Abu Dhabi Q3 2018 market report provides a summary of the Abu Dhabi residential market. Price and rent movement and upcoming supply of residential properties are provided through Property Monitor, a real estate intelligence platform, powered by Cavendish Maxwell.

Q3 2018 Dubai Market Report

This report provides a summary of the residential market activity and highlights price movement, rent and yield statistics, residential transactions and upcoming supply of residential properties. The data is provided by Property Monitor, a real estate intelligence platform. The report also includes the recent Property Monitor Residential Survey for Q3 2018, with a summary of market sentiment for Q4 2018 […]

Further Lessons from Tragedy

Cavendish Maxwell’s Craig Ross discusses developments in fire safety standards in the UK and UAE. Following my article in August 2017 on the subject of building fires in Dubai, and following the Grenfell fire tragedy in the UK, there have been several interesting developments in both the UK and the UAE, in terms of fire safety standards. While the Grenfell enquiry […]

Dubai Industrial and Logistics Market 2018 Mid Year Review

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Q2 2018 Dubai Market Report

This report provides a summary of the residential market activity and highlights price movement, rent and yield statistics, residential transactions and upcoming supply of residential properties. The data is provided by Property Monitor, a real estate intelligence platform. The report also includes the recent Property Monitor Residential Survey for Q2 2018, with a summary of market sentiment for Q3 2018 […]

Delivering a new economic future

Moe Abeidat, CTO at Property Monitor, analyses what sort of impact the latest amendments to residency laws in the UAE will have on the country’s real estate market   This May, the UAE Cabinet announced a number of amendments to current residency laws, a move that has created a stir in the country’s real estate market, with a number of […]

Q1 2018 Abu Dhabi Market Report

Our Abu Dhabi Q1 2018 market report provides a summary of the Abu Dhabi residential market. Price and rent movement and upcoming supply of residential properties are provided through Property Monitor, a real estate intelligence platform, powered by Cavendish Maxwell.

Oman Property Market Review

Our Oman Property Market Review provides a summary of the residential, retail and office market as of March 2018, highlighting rent performance and factors impacting demand. The report also includes an overview of the freehold Integrated Tourism Complex (ITC) developments and outlook for the property sector in 2018.

Q1 2018 Dubai Market Report

This report provides a summary of the residential market activity and highlights price movement, rent and yield statistics, residential transactions and upcoming supply of residential properties. The data is provided by Property Monitor, a real estate intelligence platform. The report also includes the recent Property Monitor Residential Survey for Q1 2018, with a summary of market sentiment for Q2 2018 […]

The Problem of Existing Building Stock

A noticeable shift in trend in the construction sector during 2017 has been a growing awareness amongst clients and consultants of the ageing building stock in the region. Words like refurbishment, retrofit and re-use have become commonplace in meetings, conferences and debates, and the ‘existing building problem’ is the elephant in the room that is conveniently avoided when looking at […]

Progression of Fire Safety in the UAE

Prior to 2010, the UAE had limited fire regulations, the design of towers being dependent on the Building Code, and designer adoption of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and International Building Contracting (IBC) guidelines. Due to recent tower fires, Dubai has been working towards adopting tougher fire regulations. The revisions in the UAE’s 2013 Fire and Life Safety Code […]

Abu Dhabi 2017 – ‘A Year in Review’

Abu Dhabi 2017 – ‘A Year in Review’ provides a summary of the Abu Dhabi residential market. Price movement, rent and yield statistics and upcoming supply of residential properties are provided through Property Monitor, a real estate intelligence platform, powered by Cavendish Maxwell. The report also provides a market outlook for 2018 from professionals working within the industry.

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